1. Learn to laugh at yourself...
This is easier said than done, but once achieved you will wish you had done it sooner. When life is getting you down, and things are going wrong, see the comedic value in the situation. See yourself from the 'God perspective' - if you perceive your struggles in context they are usually pretty damn funny. Taking yourself too seriously creates unnecessary pressure. Life doesn't always go your way - plans fail, you mess things up, and people screw you over. But you're still here...
2. Invest in memories...
This is difficult advice for anyone accustomed to the Western lifestyle. We love to consume, and often value possessions over experience, but life can be so exciting if you stop shopping and start living. And experience helps develop character. Buy only what you need, and spend whatever you have spare on enjoying yourself.
3. Face your fears...
Fear cripples people – fear of failure, fear of success, fear of being alone, fear of letting go and loving with all your heart; these are all fears that stop people living the lives they dream of. Facing your fears is not easy, but life has a funny way of forcing you to, should you not willingly take up the challenge. Do it. Feel it. Face it. Then proceed swiftly to freedom and happiness!