Monday, May 16, 2011

Steps to - Disable Windows error report

Microsoft’s Error Reporting in windows sometimes is disturbing, most of us don’t want to send that error report because it’s of no use...
There’s an easy way to disable Microsoft error report in windows.
Disable Microsoft Error report in Windows XP :
1) Open Control Panel (Start> Control Panel)
2) Open the Problem Reports & Solutions applet Under advanced options and disable error reporting.
Disable Microsoft Error report in Windows Vista :
1) Right click on my computer (Desktop) and click properties
2) Click the Advanced tab
3) You’ll see a “Error reporting” button at the bottom, click it
4) Select Disable Error Reporting.

More about it:

Friday, April 8, 2011

Steps to - Memorize things

1.Understand why you remember the issue... 
It really is mostly important because you aren't finished with it, or that you want to do something,  repair it or even forget it (therein lies the problem). These actually enforce the need to remember.

2.Simplify It by breaking it down...
Break whatever you're trying to memorize down into smaller categories or groups. This is why phone numbers are broken up by dashes. Those dashes help separate the number into easily recognizable groups for the brain.

If you are cramming a lot of information into your brain in a short space of time, try and get relaxed first. Meditate or if you are not into that then just listen to the breath entering and leaving your body. You need to be as relaxed as you can whilst taking information in as a disorganized mind will lead to disorganized memories.

If you only have a limited amount of time in which to remember these things then you must concentrate as much as possible on whatever the task is that you are now doing. If you do not concentrate, your memories will be fuzzy.

5.Relate the thing...
If you're going to successfully learn how to memorize things quickly, this is a big one. Your brain will much more likely remember something if it reminds you of a long term memory that you've never forgotten. Think about what you're trying to remember and think about the things it reminds you of. This goes a long way in memorizing things quickly.

6.Make Logical explanation...
Probably the best way to remember things is to make a logical explanation to what you are learning. Making it a habit to remember things may help a lot for some people.

 7.Write on...
Write a note on small pieces of the work when memorizing a speech, essay, or other work of prose. Do this by breaking off in sensible places, such as the end of a paragraph, idea, or quote. Affix the notes to a highly visible place in your bedroom or living room where you look often.

8.Gaze little longer...
Gaze little longer on things you need to remember. This may look silly but it works.

9.Good sleep... 
Sleep is very much necessary to memorize things. Sleep disorders leave you tired and makes you unable and uncomfortable to concentrate during the day.

Like every other part of your body, your brain needs to be stretched, flexed, and otherwise used in order to keep it in great working condition. This can be done with a lot of fun by playing brain games like Sudoku and crosswords.

Learn more:

Steps to – Get out of Depression

1.Have the will to get out…
Many people remain depressed simply because they lack the will to go out. It certainly can be difficult to push yourself when you're feeling down but it is an effort well worth making. If you don't feel up to socializing as such but feel the need for company, get out of the house and do whatever it is you were going to do at home, somewhere else. For example, rather than staying home and doing a crossword, take it to library and do it there in the company of other people. Exchanging a few pleasantries with the librarian might make a difference to your day.

2.Establish a clear understanding of what made you depressed...
Many people remain unhappy because they attribute their unhappiness to the wrong things, or to nothing at all. Social pressure can often keep you from even questioning your happiness about certain things. Be honest with yourself, or you wont even know what to move on from.

3.Change your state of affairs… 
If you're unhappy, and want to become happy, something about your life clearly needs to change. For many people, this means their surroundings. Are you still living in the small town that caused your feeling's of rural inadequacy? Move. Are you still working at the company that gives you no sense of meaning whatsoever? Quit. Are you still in the relationship that is making you feel manipulated? Break up. This may seem trivial, but it's often the most overlooked obstacle between you and your satisfaction.

4.Gain some perspective… 
You have access to the internet that places you well above the social circumstances of the majority of the world. There's a point at which you simply have to accept that your happiness is your own responsibility, and it's comprised of the decisions you make. Everything in your life capable of breaking is going to at some point. You've got hands. Fix them.

5.Seek help from a mental health professional…
Many studies prove that talk therapy helps with depression. To get the most out of talk therapy, you need to find a therapist that you like and trust, and work with him or her over a longer period of time. It doesn't have to be years, but don't expect that serious depression will evaporate without some consistent work on your part. Cost doesn't have to be a barrier: most cities have reduced-fee clinics and many universities offer help through their psychology training programs.

6.Working with your chemicals…
There is a chemical-biological explanation to everything going on within our bodies. Serotonin is a chemical which is synthesized in our brain, that makes our mood go up. The depression results as (or caused from) serotonin level going down in our brain. The anti-depressants actually deal with taking serotonin level higher. Serotonin chemical can actually be synthesized in our brain so we don't need pills to get our moods up actually. The best way to increase your serotonin levels is sports. Please don't under estimate the effect of sports because it increases your serotonin level and makes you feel good. Instead of standing in your home swallowing pills, going outside and running on your own is a way much better way to feel good about yourself.
Don't forget that you can overcome depression.

Learn more: